Well sorry this took a little longer than i would have hoped but now it has fainaly come!! for starters for those who are interested in being updated through out the summer, be passiont with me cause i can only get the internet if i come into town so this might only happen once a week or so.
Ok well strating off I want to thank all of you for the prayer support it has been a huge blessing God is really working in my life while i am here. The first week i was here I spent with a friend that i knew, he is a missionary for OCI and helped me with some quick orinetational things. But it was great, this country is beautiful that is for sure, and the people are extremly friendly.
Skipping to the next week and the real action that i get to be doing, I am now in a place called Porta Galira. This is the place where Threeds of Hope is located, along with a (not so normal) orphanage. the reason i say that is because the kids have parents that they live with but other than a roof over their head the kids have nothing. this is where the church comes into the picture. giving then work they can be paid and then get money to eat. So its a very interesting situation, and thread of hope is nothing like i thought it would be!! it is a community thing that the people come to the pastor and he is the one who holds all the material. he will give it out to them, then the pastor will keep track of who has what, then the people make the bracelets on their own time. The give it back to the pastor (alan) who then will send it to places that will bye it. (like what i did) But the women who make these bracolets do not all come from prostituation, although some have many of them just need a job or source of money, so if they are to make these bracolets, pastor alan tells them they have to come to church! and through that they have become a strong church (lots of women) but it has been very effective for the church and the body of Christ.
Now for how I am doing, the first week was great i got to do what i wanted and Rich henderson took me to places to show me some of the great needs of the Philippines. That was great but then I was put on a boat and sent to where i am now. When i first got here I expected someone to pick me up right away, but that did not happen!! I called and was told that my ride would be there in 20 min..... about 1 hour later my ride showed up, being who i am I greated pastor alan with a big smile, he was happy to see me not mad i guess, and we grabbed my things and got on a bike. fastforward a little, over all i kind of feel like i am a well trained pet, when i got here they treated me like i have not worked a day in my life and was suppose to be treated with high care. That is not who i am so i started to serve them! it is working out way better now, but for awhile i was going crazy when the people i am working with would not ask me to do anything. (there are some good stories there but i'll tell them later)
anyway getting into the third week and i am very excited for what God has in store for me, and this ministry, I have been seeing a lot of opportunities for ministry here in the Philippines for the future! The kids here love me and always ask me to dunk it (thats when they are not hanging all over me!)
thanks for the prayers again and a specieal thanks to Aleesha for helping me put this together!!
In Christ love
Kevin Foster